Grapheme W2


Category W (Vessels of stone and earthenware)
Reading bAs
Modulation B2 (2 quarters in column)
Character à
Font Glyph Basic 4 ⇩

Det. <bAs>, "vasetto, barattolo", fon. /bAs/ in <bAst.t>, "Bastet", bac] (in <pr-bAst.t>, Poubac], "Bubastis"), la dea gatta. Per lo ieratico vd. OLEUM.
Det. <bAs>, "jar", phon. /bAs/ in <bAst.t>, "Bastet", the cat-goddess. Hieratic in OLEUM.
Det. <bAs>, "vas", phon. /bAs/ in <bAst.t>, "Bastet", dea feles. Hieraticum habes apud OLEUM.