Grapheme S36


Category S (Crowns, dress, staves, etc.)
Reading Sy.t | Sw.t | sry.t | Hp
Modulation C2a (3 T-shaped or +-shaped quarters)
D6a (Upper arch or cone)
Font Glyph Basic 3 ⇩

Come UMBRA, ma se doppio e con uno SCAMNUM tra i due segni, significa <Hp.wy>, "Hepuy", personificazione dei due ventilabri che accompagnano il re.
The same as UMBRA, but if doubled with a SCAMNUM between the two signs, it means <Hp.wy>, "Hepuy", a personification of the two shades accompanying the king.
Idem atque UMBRA, sed si duo talia signa vides, quibus SCAMNUM interiectum sit, illud significat <Hp.wy>, "Hepuy", duorum ventilabrorum regem comitantium personificatio.