Grapheme D53


Category D (Parts of the human body)
Reading bAH
Modulation B1 (2 quarters in row)
Character ¹
Font Glyph Basic 1 ⇩

Determinativo di parole connesse al pene e alle sue azioni: <Hnn>, "pene", <wsS>, "urinare", e figurativamente <mtw.t>, "veleno". Può essere usato al posto di D52 in <TAy>, "uomo", <hj>, hai, "marito". Valore fonetico: /bAH/, come in <m-bAH>, mmah (Sah.), "davanti a".
Det. related to penis and its actions: <Hnn>, "penis", <wsS>, "to urinate", and figuratively <mtw.t>, "venom". It can be used instead of VIR in <TAy>, "man", <hj>, "husband". Phon. /bAH/, like in <m-bAH>, "in front of".
Det. verba pertinentia ad penem eiusque acta: <Hnn>, "penis", <wsS>, "mingere", et figurative <mtw.t>, "venenum". Potest usurpari pro VIRo in <TAy>, "vir", <hj>, "maritus". Phon. /bAH/, ut in <m-bAH>, "ante".