#WIRE15 - FrascatiScienza
5' presentation of Papersesh on May 21st
published on 13th May 2015, 04:28 pm

We're glad to invite you to the first of many presentations of Papersesh project.
On May 21st we'll partecipate to the conference #WIRE15 (Frascati, Rome, Italy), together with other 21 speakers presenting their projects in 5 minutes. Promoted by the Frascati Scienza association, the event aims to create connections between innovative projects, researchers, entrepreneurs and potential investors.
We strongly believe in the potential of Papersesh and its global relevance in the field of Egyptology. We hope to transmit our energy, ideas and future plans to the #WIRE15 commitee and to every participant.
For further information, we reccomend you to visit #WIRE15 website and read the conference schedule.
Wish us the best!