Papersesh open season
Hieratic thesaurus free to use until 2018
published on 13th July 2017, 10:47 pm

Dear all,
after a long time of backwork and other duties, in these days we began to add the pBerlin 3022 (Sinuhe) to Papersesh's collection.
The first 116 columns of this papyrus are already available on our database.
Wishing to make Papersesh a more helpful and wide used tool for your research - and also looking for any feedback, which will be welcomed - we take this opportunity to announce that we will provide free access to every Papersesh feature for the rest of this year. From now on, you will be able to use both the Hieroglyph / Hieratic search on the single signs as well as Papersesh's hieratic database of occurrences for linguistic and palaeographic research. We hope you will enjoy it.
Our best regards